Best Pubg Player in Pakistan
You may be thinking if it is possible to be the Best Pubg Player in Pakistan. There are many options when it comes to PUBG Mobile. Some of the best Pakistani players are Legend Sam, Crypto, Dr. Baloch, and Doctor Pikachu. Regardless of your choice, these are four characters that can prove to be very profitable. Read on to learn more about these characters and their potential. We also discuss which ones are the best in the game and which ones are not.
Legend Sam
As far as Pakistan PUBG players are concerned, Legend Sam and Bablu Pikachu are among the most popular. Both have their own Youtube channels with nearly 300k subscribers each. Bablu Pikachu, also known as Dr. Pikachu, is the most popular female PUBG player in the country. She is based in Lahore and plays the game on an iPhone 8 Plus.
Besides having an iPhone XR, Sam Gaming Akka Sam Malik is the best Pakistani PUBG player. Both have a great deal of online following, and both have their own families. Legend Sam is also the most popular PUBG player in Pakistan. His YouTube channel boasts a huge following of over 217K subscribers. Legend Sam has a family of his own and has his own PUBG channel.
PUBG is an online game which has many competitive players around the world. Crypto, a competitive player from the i8 team, belongs to the Ze organization. He was one of the top fraggers in the PMCO Pakistan spring split regional finals. In addition to that, he reached the top four in kill leaders at the PMPL south Asia championship finals. In addition, he has a large following on YouTube.
As a PUBG player from Pakistan, i8 Crypto is known to have a very loyal following on YouTube. Crypto plays the game on an iPhone 13 Pro Max and makes around $2,000 per video. His videos have been viewed over 150 thousand times and have over 40 thousand likes. Crypto is currently on his third year of playing the game and hopes to continue his success with the i8 team. If you want to play PUBG with Pakistan’s top players, check out this video.
Doctor Pikachu
The most popular girl gamer from Pakistan is a YouTube channel called Doctor Pikachu. Her real name is Syeda Maryam. She is a 21-year-old Muslim girl who plays PUBG on her iPhone 8 Plus with the 2 Finger settings. She has more than one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers on YouTube. She earns a lot of money through various means including Paid Promotion, YouTube, Instagram, and collaborations with different brands.
The best PUBG players from Pakistan are ranked by their popularity. The most popular PUBG players in Pakistan are Syeda Maryam and Doctor Pikachu. Syeda Maryam is a leader of the PUBG clan and has a YouTube channel with over 300,000 subscribers. Another top PUBG player in Pakistan is Solo King. He is a very good player with a four finger claw control. He is also the only Pakistani with a Star Challenge Frame.
Dr. Baloch
Among the many famous Pakistani players, Crypto stands out among them. This young player has been active on YouTube since the early days of the game. He has a large following and boasts of 115k subscribers. He is also an active partner of the PUBG mobile team. The best thing about him is that he has a huge knowledge base in the game. His tips and strategies are truly mind-blowing.
This player is a ten-year-old from Sargodha. He is famous for his skill in PUBG mobile. His nickname is X.MUQADAR, and he is a master of wiping out a whole squad alone. This PUBG player practices a lot in Bootcamp and has a lot of followers on YouTube. His gameplay videos are very entertaining, and he uploads them every day. He is the leader of the Super Power Clan.
Mr. Jay Plays
You’ve probably seen videos of Mr. Jay Plays playing the popular video game PUBG. If so, you’re not alone. There are many other gamers who have risen to fame because of their videos. In fact, the most popular video posted by Mr. Jay Plays is one of the most popular ever. And you can find him on YouTube by searching “Mr. Jay Plays” and then clicking “subscribe to see more videos.”
If you’ve never heard of Mr. Jay Plays, you’re in for a treat. He’s a popular Pakistani YouTuber with more than 200k subscribers. He also has his own clan called RAPTORS, which has won several online tournaments. In addition to being a popular YouTuber, Mr. Jay Plays has an amazing reputation as a gaming enthusiast. His YouTube channel is filled with hilarious videos and he’s got a huge following.
Team Qwerty
A top Pubg player in Pakistan has just been named MVP of the PUBG Mobile Campus Championship Pakistan 2021. VOLTRUX was named the MVP of the tournament after taking 33 kills, dealing 62,67 damage and averaging 19 minutes and 57 seconds of survival. The team was also crowned the winner of the tournament, taking home a prize of $10,000 for winning the tournament. There were several other notable players in the tournament, as well.
The Team Qwerty pubg player in Pakistan is based in the country, but his talent is largely unknown. He is a talented player who has played the game in Pakistan and abroad. In addition to being a top Pubg player in Pakistan, he has also represented the country in the tournament. However, he is not the only Pakistani pubg player. Team TUF, SALTxi8, and Aegis Gaming are other popular Pakistani teams.
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